Friday, December 9, 2011

the great loves are the crazy ones

DAY NINE - Travel

How did you travel in 2011? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

I traveled mostly to St George/Vegas in 2011. I also visited Park City a handful of times and South Carolina for my yearly trip. I definitely need to do more traveling. I feel like that is the main theme of this whole thing besides how much I've changed over this past year. But traveling is definitely a big part. It's always been a part of who I am and a very important part of my family. I would love to travel to Europe next year but I don't know if that's possible. If anything I may end up in Zimbabwe for Christmas to visit my brother and his family but if not I am going to plan a trip to Canada or Seattle or something. I've been here far too long. I'm aching for an adventure.

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